Wingnut Wings - Product Details. Photos, Assembly Instructions and other information about Wingnut Wings models
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80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup (possibly B5962) crash (010610-34)
80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup (possibly B5962) crash (010610-35)
80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup (possibly B5962) crash (010610-37)
80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup N6179 'BABY MINE' at 3 (N) Squadron RNAS (O19-064)
80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup N6200 'Bobs' at 4 (N) Squadron RNAS (O19-062)
80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup N6200 'Bobs' at 4 (N) Squadron RNAS (O19-063)
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-073)
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-124)
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0312-119). Note Mk.III camera gun on top wing centre section
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0639-104). Note the extra cooling slot cut into the cowling
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup '2' with Lt.Cook (0226-03)
80hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup photographed on 1 May 1918 (0688-001). Not the translucent clear doped top wings
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup (possibly B5283 (0170-09)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup A653 (0170-15)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 and B1844, B804 & B1849 photographed on 7 September 1917 (0170-32)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 (010610-25)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 (010610-26)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling (010610-29)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling (010610-27)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling (010610-30)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling (WF-010610-31)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling being salvaged (010610-32)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5903 with damaged cowling awaiting repair (010610-33)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5904 'A 1' at 61 Home Defense Squadron (O19-061)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5906 IMPIKOFF (0170-29)
100hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-059)
100hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-067)
100hp Gnome powered unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-092)
An unidentified crashed Sopwith Pup (0075-12)
100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B5906 IMPIKOFF at 44 Home Defense Squadron with a Sopwith 'Comic' Camel and a BE.2e in flight (0170-29)
80hp Gnome cowling detail from an unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-073)
100hp Gnome cowling detail from an unidentified Sopwith Pup (0170-092)
100hp Gnome cowling detail from Sopwith Pup B5292 (0170-13)
100hp Gnome engine detail from Sopwith Pup B5292 (0170-12)
100hp Gnome engine detail from damaged Sopwith Pup B5903 (010610-31)
100hp Gnome engine detail from damaged Sopwith Pup B5905 (0170-093)
100hp Gnome cowling detail from Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31)
Undercarriage detail from 100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31)
Wing & aileron detail from 100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31a)
Wing & aileron detail from 100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31b)
Tailplane detail from 100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B2192 (0170-31)
Tailplane detail from 100hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup B7525 (0170-27)
Wing & strut detail from crashed 80hp Le Rhone powered Sopwith Pup B1735 (0364-006)
Wing & strut detail from crashed 80hp Le Rhone powered Sopwith Pup B1735 (0364-005)
Cockpit detail from unarmed crashed 80hp Le Rhone powered Sopwith Pup B1735 (0364-005)
Tailplane detail from crashed 80hp Le Rhone powered Sopwith Pup B1735 (0364-006)
Tailplane detail from crashed 80hp Le Rhone powered Sopwith Pup B1735 (0364-005)
Cockpit detail from 80hp LeRhone powered Sopwith Pup A626 after being captured (001043P5)